Monday, April 26, 2010

We keep it, like, way real.

Forget about this place.

It's gone. It can't exist without us. And if you think the girls who inherit our dorm room next year are going to put as much care into it as we did you're dreaming.

The last few days in the dorms were some of the best and worst of our short lives. It had the feeling of a refugee camp. We had a small shanty town in the floor lounge set up where the remaining survivors would tough it out together for the night, not knowing what the following day would bring.

Yeah, how dramatic does that sound.

Mostly we just had a few mattresses together, but there were definitely not enough beds for how many girls there were. Ally woke up on the couch one night. Personal space.

We didn't stop our picture taking with all the girls who were checking out. That was something that really kept us going. It gave us a reason to wake up in the morning.

Not only are there a lot of pictures, there are a lot of really really ugly pictures.

We've talked about making a album full of all the ugly pictures we've taken together over the years. Let's just say, all of these pictures with our floor mates would make that album in a second.

We kept going back and forth about whether to put them on da blog at all.
Ultimately, we decided it's not fair to let these girls miss out on the opportunity to be featured on the web just because we hadn't showered for a while and Ally is wearing the Soulja' Boy shirt in 90% of the pictures.

But we're not about to make them normal size.

Here's this collage just to prove that they're there.

We know you can barely see them.
Hey, here's something fun and only semi-related.

That's us and our suitemates in August,

and this is us with our suitemates just a few days ago.
You'd hardly recognize us with how much we've grown, huh.

Next time the two of us (Lisa and Ally) are reunited we'll probably bust out a good year-end-wrap-up post, since our blogging is strongest when we're sitting back to back at opposite desks.

Yep, we'll leave it at that for now. Keeps 'em coming back.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... you guys really have changed since August. I'm glad you stood in the same order for both pictures though so we can still tell who everyone is!
