Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

Billie Jean Is Not My Mom

We know.

We know our blogging hiatus is unacceptable.

Here's the thing, though. We've done so many great things, but we haven't taken pictures of them because we were busy. Ergo, here are some pictures of other people doing great things representing us doing the great things we've also done.

We celebrated a simple Christmas

We celebrated New Year's Eve

Ally went to St. Geezy with the family.

We both went rock climbing, but not together

We started school again. We're still trying to get used to that fact.

Lisa wakes up every morning to this beautiful face, courtesy of Natalie Allen.

On a related note, our Soulja Boy t-shirts are all we hoped they would be and more. In fact, they might be the only reason we survived our first day back from Christmas break.

Most recently, we packed our bags and headed south to a town that's right for us: Las Vegas. That's in Nevada. Many thanks to our hall mate Andrea and the entire Wise Family.

While in "Vegas," (that's what we, the locals, call it) we pretty much hung out with these two people the whole time.

That's Andre Agasi

This is Cher. Or Sister Cher, as we call her.

We're tight. Like dreadlocks.

Other noteworthy things that won't have a Google Images picture attached to them:

-The show Ninja Warrior was on a lot during Christmas Break. Ally got addicted to that and rollerblades again.

-We haven't improved at Da Stanky leg, yet.

-We planned our schedules so we never have to see each other, so that's a relief.

-The job search isn't going so well for either of us. For once we can actually blame the recession and have it kind of apply. Turns out that blaming the economy for our mediocre academic performance only made us feel better for a second. It's like treating the symptoms, not the disease.

-Joyce came down for lunch one day.

-Clair and Terry came down for dinner one night.

-We a little bit loved the movie Leap Year. Sorry.