Sunday, August 30, 2009

Three Days Later

Our parents came! Somehow Joyce, Jim, Clair, and Terry all showed up about the same time and left about the same time. It felt like they were picking us up from a three day sleep over. They might have been minorly disappointed that we slept in so late today. The four of us ate lunch at the Canon Center. Our parents were impressed with the new cafeteria. We're glad we could treat them this once. We luv u guyz.

Believe it or not, we were tired. But we didn't take pictures. Lisa napped and Ally thought about Lisa.

Then we ate. Canon Center again. This time we went with some girls from our hall. By happenstance, we ran into Ben and his crew and enjoyed chatting with them. We met a boy who likes shoes and another one from Sweden. Lisa told him she had Swedish fish. He ignored her, but probably has a secret crush on her.

We came back and then went to the big dance. We got judged. Upon requesting Akon the DJ assistant informed us that Akon is usually pretty dirty. We stood up for Akon, saying that he has a few good songs. We didn't let that ruin our night, however. Lisa even danced with a black kid. He didn't exactly notice since his back was to her, but it was still off the hook. We also watched a kid dance rave style with two cell phones, witnessed a cameo appearance by Ryan Osterloh, and danced with a cool Asian with crazy moves. After the last song, I Gotta Feeling, we made a quick exit. We needed to go to the store to get some milk and cereal. We met Ally's sister who is going back to Ohio on Monday at Walmart. We got all our stuff, came back to the ranch and had a small cereal party with our sweetheart.

Now, we're going to bed. HUGS. LUVS. NOT DRUGS. OR PUGS. we hate pugs.


  1. it's tearin' up my heart when i'm with you, but when we are apart i feel it too. and no matter what i do i feel the pain, with or without you.

  2. thanks for standing up for akon. the world needs more people like you. also, lisa, i'm sorry the swedish kid ignored you. if i was from sweden, i would love it if a beautiful young lass told me she liked the gummy candy named after my country.

  3. Happenstance you met up into my crew and I. haha. Okay we definitely need to meet up more often. And ill bring the boy who likes shoes and his swedish roomate with the secret crush on LISA. it must be true love no doubt.

    And im glad Lisa got to secretly dance with the back of a black kid. That made me LOL and my roommate (the one who ignored you about rollerblading but really likes the amazing cannon center rolls) was like - is it really that funny what you are looking at? ahah

  4. this is kewl! that ryan kid sounds like he's really cool. introduce me?
